Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gluten Free and Happy!

Gluten is a protein found in wheat (including kamut and spelt), barley, rye, malts and triticale. It is used as a food additive in the form of a flavoring, stabilizing or thickening agent, often hidden under “dextrin”
When I was little a Doctor told my mother that I had an allergic reaction to gluten (wheat) but that she didn’t have to worry and that we should continue as usual. Needless to say, the gluten kept coming and like most kids my school lunch box was packed with whole wheat sandwiches every day and at break time I’d walk down to the trash cans and throw them away. I never liked bread, always made me feel bloated and sluggish, pasta however was my staple, I could eat it all day everyday without thinking twice (Later on realized that it is a ot more processed than bread and therefore the wheat content less concentrated) so I didn’t feel as sluggish.
As time went by I was faced with a weight gain of over 15kg and was constantly sick, I didn’t have a choice but to deal with this unpleasant matter. It took me a while but I started reading up about it for hours everyday, I just wanted to feel healthy and happy and I knew that a lifestyle change was the only way. Overwhelmed by the major change it was I didn’t implement it straight away, I wasn’t ready to give up my pasta just yet so I continued with my unhealthy eating habits for a while. Until one morning, I was in immense abdominal pain,back pain, had a throbbing headache and I struggled to walk.
I was forced by my own body to wake up and to make a change. Since that day I’ve been gluten free, I have since lost a lot of weight and I feel better than ever. Everyday is a challenge, preparing your own food, being healthy and at the same time avoiding sugar (insulin resistant). This has opened my eyes to see how precious our health is, how much we have to be thankful for. And I will never ever doubt my instinct ever again… Health is a blessing and I thank God for it.

My new fave is Raw Zuchinni Pasta (Baby Marrows)

Some Yummy Treats with no gluten or sugar

Blogs worth following if your’re like me and into all things organic,healhy,gluten and sugar free.
Hope this helps someone out there who might suspect that they have an allergy, It has changed my life.

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